Now I have to figure out how to post

OK, I finally made it. What kind of programmer am I if I cannot figure out how to use this blog? Oyh ... but I finally made it. Now I have to find where to post links to sites I like that you can visit as well.
Today was a slow day. My back is hurting as a hell, so I did not do much. I uploaded a lot of pictures to my picturetrail site
Most of the pictures from our recent trips to Niagara Falls and Cape Cod. I also uploaded a few pictures of my workas well.
You are welcome to stop by and take a look
I am going to put boys to bed and want to finish some work I started a few days ago.
I created sort of wine cups using candlestick, dried flower bells and apoxie. Then I painted pieces with different shades of gold. When the cups got dried, I lined up inside of the cup with a thin layer of apoxie clay as well. I also incorporated a few faces made from commercial molds.
Pictures to come shortly.
Hugs to all!
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