Guess what - I am alive!

Last year was not easy for me. Not to bore you with details, I was laid off and while I was searching for a job, I found one in Florida where we moved last February. Yes, a year ago, and I still trying to get back on my creative feet :) New place, new job, new schools for kids, new weather, crazy drivers, loosing are getting the picture, all supplies in storage as in renting place not much room for us not to mention a whole house of art supplies...
Thanks to Anne Lindsay (see her work at ) saw my doll on, honestly, I forgot about it completely, and ask if I can make one just in different colors. That was a push that I needed. She graciously allowed me to post her photo of her model with my jester. Thank you Anne!
I still pulling myself but do more painting and a little bit of clay.
You will be hearing from me a little bit more often than last year :) I am working on it.
Hugs to all , Helen