A few more gourds

This month I was working mostly with gourds. I ordered a huge box of gourds, never can order 1 or 2 of something, always a LOT, so, now I have a LOT of gourds to work with. OK, I painted beehive gourd. I used black acrylic paint to basecoat first, let it dried for a while. This time I was really patient. When you do not give enough time for paint to dry, then when you painting with other colors, it is getting mixed up and ruin your work. Even letting it dry well not helping very well but better. Anyway, I painted the gourd and then spray woth some clear finish sealer.

There is another gourd that I used to create a doll.
I use one of the mold to create the face with polymer clay, attached to the gourd using a LOT of clay, again, let it dry well and then I painted already basecoated (brown acrylic) gourd. I used acrylic paints and some metallic finish paints to higlight some leaves or flowers.

This gourd was thin and at the end of the work, when everything was finished I found a crack in the gourd which started to spread out. Apoxie clay to rescue! This clay is really good! I cover the crack and reinforced the parts around and used it as a decoration on the rest of the gourd ( bottom), worked pretty well.
Bye-bye for now!